Category: Restful sleep

How I Found The Secret To A Stress-less Life!

Have you driven in Portland, Oregon lately? If you have, you know what stress and anxiety is! Portland, Oregon is ranked the 28th largest city in the United States. Portland’s population grew by 19,300 between 2010 and 2012. That’s a lot of people.  The bigger the city, the more stress the people that live in […]

Hypnosis: An Alternative Approach to Stress Reduction

We all know what stress can do to us, right? Poor sleep, no appetite, anxiety, agitation and a host of other symptoms. There are several anti-stress medications out there and the drug Citalopram (CeleXA) is the most prescribed to help people deal this the stress in their lives. That’s good, right? But what isn’t so […]

10 Common Symptoms Of Depression

  Every year approximately 9.5 percent of the American population suffers from depression. Depression is a grave illness that affects day to day life and destroys families. It is a disorder that controls the mind and its functions causing loss of appetite, sleeplessness, mood swings, and a deep sense of despair. The symptoms of depression […]

Eye-Opening Facts About Stress

Lack of sleep may throw the body’s system off balance. It is one of the factors that may contribute to stress and fatigue. In the long run, lack of sleep hampers a person’s emotional well-being, mental abilities, productivity, and performance. Lack of sleep actually increases the production of a hormone called corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH). The […]

Does hypnosis really work?

Hypnosis has been used for centuries. That’s a pretty bold statement, right? Throughout history we see evidence to support this statement. Many ancient civilizations and cultures used hypnosis as a therapeutic device. The Ancient Egyptians, in perhaps the first written record on hypnosis, the Ebers Papyrus (c. 1500 BC), wrote of hypnosis formulas and techniques. […]