At one point or another, we all have to deal with some type of stress. The important thing is to prevent it from taking over our daily life, and this can often be done by observing a few simple ways to keep emotions high and the blues at bay. Pet your pet. For years, experts […]
Author: brainjmedia03
Weight Loss – 6 Tips For Staying Positive
Staying positive throughout the weight loss process can be difficult. A few setbacks and you may be ready to give up. Staying motivated throughout your weight loss journey requires focus on the goal and positive thinking – but what do you do when you’re feeling less than positive about your efforts? Use these tips to […]
A Simple Tip For When You’re Stressed
This is a fantastic tip from Touch For Health to help you when you’re stressed, angry, anxious or upset. Try holding your frontal eminences. These are bumps on your forehead that many people hold instinctively when they’re upset. For those of you who don’t do this naturally, let me help you locate them. Feel up […]
Diets And Weight Loss – 4 Tips on Losing Weight
If you’re overweight and you are trying to lose weight, you may be thinking that you will be able to lose a lot of weight really fast. The truth of the matter is that it takes time to lose weight and you have to be patient as you’re trying to lose weight. There are no […]
Positive Imaging for Weight Loss Through Self-Hypnosis
Visualization through Self-Hypnosis can play an important part in losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle that keeps it off. Losing weight can be difficult for many people who use fad diets and pills to achieve their weight loss goals without letting their mind help in the process. Self-Hypnosis is a powerful technique that can help […]
What’s the Connection…Weight and Diabetes
Excellent health requires proper care and nurturing. A fit and trim body gives inner and outer confidence whereas an obese physique makes you dull and pessimistic. Obesity breeds other diseases and makes our existence uncomfortable and unpleasant. It also results in emotional suffering which is one of the most painful parts of obesity. Obesity is […]
Overweight? Watch out!
A new study shows that being overweight in mid-life substantially increased the risk of dying of heart disease later when they get older. This finding is based on a research by Northwestern University as result of tracking 17,643 patients for 3 decades. Even people with healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels when the study […]
2 Simple Steps, No More Excuses
Success in any endeavor, including health and fitness, begins with the thoughts that you want to attain something. Your desire needs to be strong enough and clearly defined before you will begin to take action. Before you begin to successfully lose weight you need to make the necessary changes, and seek out the ways and […]
Mind Over Matter: Key Strategies for Weight Loss Success
Katie, a 33-year-old mother of two, has been on her share of diets over the years. From Weight Watchers to the Zone to Sugar Busters, she feels as if she has tried them all. While she has had moderate success in losing weight from time to time, she has never found a long-term weight loss […]
Measure Your Progress
An extremely important part of your fitness program is being able to measure your progress. Body fat testing is not painful, nor is it expensive. You can get it done at most any gym or fitness center. Simply ask if they have an expert who can measure body composition. It’s also a good idea to […]