Why You Should Try Hypnosis To Quit Bad Habits

Why You Should Try Hypnosis To Quit Bad Habits_01


Do you need to quit smoking, lose weight, or reduce stress? Are you having trouble committing yourself to the decision to do this? You’re not the first to struggle with these issues – and you wouldn’t be the first to find a solution in hypnotherapy. At Gresham Hypnosis Center, we are dedicated to helping our patients by using hypnosis as a tool to re-enforce decisions they have already made.


Through methods such as suggestion therapy or analysis, hypnosis can both help patients realize the reason for the issue they want to address and encourage them to think differently about those issues. Hypnosis is much like meditation. It encourages a state of mindfulness that helps the patient focus on their intentions in order to better realize them. When you utilize hypnosis properly, you can gain significant leverage over unhealthy, unproductive, or unwanted habits – especially the ones you often do without thinking—only to catch yourself engaged in those activities after the fact. For example, by changing the way you think about smoking through hypnosis, you can catch yourself before you unconscionably light up a cigarette.

At Gresham Hypnosis Center, we have a proven track record of helping people stop smoking – and we back it up with a Written Guarantee. It really is that simple.


Our Written Service Guarantee is the strongest guarantee in the business.



There is a widely held misconception that hypnosis is a supernatural practice, but that’s not true. Hypnosis is a scientifically proven method that helps patients reinforce their decisions to quit bad habits. Hypnosis is a widely used practice. In fact, chances are that you already know someone who has benefited from hypnosis. There is empirical evidence that hypnosis works, and the proof may be closer than you think. Many people in the Gresham area have already used hypnosis to quit smoking, lose weight, reduce stress, and more! Now, it’s your turn to try this scientifically proven method for making substantial life changes.


If you’re ready to quit smoking, reduce stress, or lose weight, seek out hypnotherapy at Gresham Hypnosis Center. We are eager to help Gresham patients make a positive change in their lives. Hypnotherapy can help you make the changes you want to make — in as little as just one session. Manage chronic pain and quit bad habits with hypnotherapy.

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FREE Hypnosis Screening: (503) 319-7142


Science Says: Hypnosis Can Improve Your Brain in Two Ways

Hypnosis Can Improve Your Brain in Two Ways

Real Science From A Real University

Stanford Medicine did a study scanning hypnotized brains. While hypnotists and clients have known for centuries that hypnosis works, we finally are able to see what happens inside the brain during hypnosis.

This is the first time that a study has focused on the state of hypnosis itself. Other studies have been specific on the impact hypnosis has on pain and vision—but those don’t really tell the whole story. Those studies don’t look into what is actually happening inside the brain while in hypnosis. Now we can actually image what the brain is doing. What did we learn? Two things! Here they are.

Your Squirrel Detector Calms Down

We all know that there’s a part of our brain that can detect “squirrels” and other moving objects in your peripheral vision. These “squirrels” distract us from what is in front of us. Technically, these distractions are called saliency items and your brain has a whole network to detect them. Early in our human ancestry, this saliency network was helpful for survival. Now that we’ve got the predator thing under control, it is a little less necessary and sometimes even an obstacle for being mindful. The study saw a decrease in activity in the salience network during hypnosis. This means your mind is less distracted and more focused on what is happening in the moment.

More Trains In Your Brain

As a country, the U.S. wasn’t truly connected until we created the national railway. After that, cities and towns became connected and were able to exchange goods and information more efficiently. Your brain also has a railway that connects its different parts together. Hypnosis increases the connection between two specific parts of your brain; the part that reacts to stimuli (dorsolateral prefrontal cortex) and the part that experiences pain and emotions (insular cortex). Don’t worry, we won’t use those big words again. All we care about is the part that reacts and the part that is in charge of pain and emotions. This means that during hypnosis you can create new ways in which you react to the world around you. You can reinforce positive ways that already benefit you and reduce negative reactions that hold you back.

What Does It Mean?

Hypnosis is natural, you are born with the ability to go into trance. It is a built-in function to help you become focused and make positive changes. When you see a certified hypnotist, they help you get to that beneficial hypnotic state faster, with greater focused intention. The greatest opportunity for making positive change requires you to become focused, less distracted, and to create new ways to emotionally react to stimulus. Hypnosis does exactly that.

Are You Ready For Change?

Hypnosis is known to help people quit smoking, lose weight, and reduce stress. Hypnosis can help with almost any positive change you are seeking to develop. This includes managing pain and quitting bad habits. If you want change, try hypnosis. We can help after a single session.

CALL NOW to Schedule your FREE Stop Smoking Hypnosis Screening: (503) 319-7142


3 Myths About Hypnosis

It is completely rational to be apprehensive about something new to us. For many people hypnosis is new. We also know that you are curious about how it works and how effective it is. This is why we want to dispell some myths about hypnosis. The best way to talk about the positive impact hypnosis provides is to dispel the top myths. Here are the top three myths about hypnosis and hypnotherapy.


Nope. You are completely aware of your surroundings. You can hear everything around you and even open your eyes if you need to. You will remember your session; we also can provide a video of the session upon request. You do, however, go into a trance-like state. Think of it like being in a meditative state where you are extremely relaxed, present, focused and aware. Click to learn how hypnosis works.


There is a very, very small group of people that do not respond to hypnosis.  Most of us experience trance-like states at least twice a day. Before and after you sleep. That moment when you are awake but still in bed is usually a trance-like state. You also go into trance during your daily commute or when you read a good book.

Success using hypnosis is dependent on many variables including the attitude, motivation, cooperation and the attendance of scheduled sessions by the client. Even though human behavior cannot be ethically guaranteed, Gresham Hypnosis Center does provide a written hypnosis service guarantee.


We are not psychics or palm readers. We use science. Hypnotism has been around for centuries and has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety, and pain. Now with new medical brain imaging techniques, we can understand why. Stanford University did a study with over 500 participants and mapped each person’s brain during hypnosis and found two things:

  1. A Decrease in activity in the salience network. This is the network that distracts you when you see something in your peripheral vision or hear a sound that is unfamiliar. This part of your brain is very hard to quiet down because usually, it is ALWAYS on. A hypnotic state reduces those noisy distractions.
  2. An Increase in connectivity. Your brain is composed of multiple parts. Not all parts talk to each other. When in a hypnotic state your brain is increasing connections and the communication between those connections. Your brain becomes a better brain after hypnosis.


Hypnosis is known to help people quit smoking, lose weight and reduce stress. Hypnosis can help with almost any positive change you are seeking to develop. This includes managing pain and quitting bad habits. If you want change, try hypnosis.

CALL NOW to Schedule your

FREE Hypnosis Screening: (503) 319-7142

How to Choose a Certified Hypnotherapist Near Me

woman-deciding on a hypnotherapist

First, What is a Hypnotherapist?

A hypnotherapist is a trained professional who, by inducing a trance-like state, helps you use your subconscious mind as an active part in making productive changes in your life.  Normally you subconscious is responsible for your current habits—whether they be good or bad. If you have a habit or behavior you want to change a hypnotherapist can help you access your subconscious and make the changes you have been wanting to make.

Check Out Their Education and Certification

You want to know about their education and certification. For instance, Doug Meacham, C.Ht. is a certified hypnotherapist in Gresham, OR.  He is a graduate of the Attwood Institute and NLP Arizona, he has further certifications in the Ultra Depth Process, Hypno anesthesia, and Hypnobirthing. He is a Certified and Registered Hypnotherapist with the American Board of Hypnotherapy.

Make Sure They Have A Legitimate Office

For some this may sound obvious, there are many practitioners that do not have an official business or location. Having a center or clinic is crucial to determining how serious your hypnotherapist is. In Gresham and East Portland, there are only a handful of practices to choose from.

What Makes A Good Hypnotherapist?

A good hypnotherapist will listen and discuss in detail what the client wants to be resolved. They will then define the goal the client wants to be achieved.

What Makes a Great Hypnotherapist?

A great hypnotherapist will make you feel at ease and manage your expectation. They will listen to the changes you want to make and explain how hypnosis works. And what you will experience during hypnosis.

How Does Hypnosis Work and What Happens During Hypnosis?

Great questions. Hypnosis is guided relaxation.  When relaxed enough you move into a trance-like state. You naturally go into trance-like states every day. It is similar to being completely absorbed in a book, movie, music, or even one’s own thoughts or meditations. In the trance state, you control all of your actions, you can hear everything around you, and you cannot be forced to do something against your will. Click the following link for more details on how hypnosis works.

Finally, Check the Hypnotherapist’s Track Record

Gresham Hypnosis Center has been around for almost a decade and has helped multiple people lose weight, reduce stress, quit smoking and get better sleep. We have all 5-star reviews on Google and Facebook and are committed to continuing to help people make positive changes in their lives.

CALL NOW to Schedule your FREE Stop Smoking Hypnosis Screening: (503) 319-7142


It’s Never Too Late to Quit Smoking—Especially for Family

Grandfather who wants to quit smoking holding grandchild's hand

You Get Healthier The Same Day You Quit Smoking.

It’s never too late to stop smoking. In fact, after 20 minutes of your last cigarette, your body gets healthier immediately! The heart rate drops, your blood pressure drops, and your overall circulation begins to improve. That’s just after the first 20 minutes! After a month, for some, the cilia regain normal function in a month. Cilia are the hairs inside your lungs they move mucus out the lungs, once those are healthy then you get a bundle of benefits; longer breaths, cleaner lungs and the reduction of risks for infection.  After a whole year, your risk for coronary heart disease (like heart attacks and strokes) gets cut in half.

The Number One Reason Folks Quit.

We hear it almost every day, “I want to quit smoking for my grandchildren.” Or, “I want to quit smoking for my family.” We all want to be there for life’s milestones; the first day of school, graduation, birthdays, marriages and grandchildren. It’s never too late and according to John Hopkins University, “…smokers who quit after being diagnosed with cancer are better able to heal and respond to treatment, reducing the chance of death from some cancers by up to 40 percent.”

Keep Reading, Hypnosis Works!

It is so easy you can do it with your eyes closed. If celebrity endorsements carry any weight, then go no further than Matt Damon and Charlize Theron. Both have turned to hypnosis to quit smoking. If you want testimonials from real folks, like the rest of us, then at Gresham Hypnosis Center we have a great track record. Most of our clients kick the habit after a single session.  Hypnosis reinforces decisions you already want to make. You have already decided to quit smoking. Hypnosis reinforces that decision.

What Does Hypnosis Feel Like?

It doesn’t feel like sleeping and it doesn’t feel like mind control. In fact, you can be fully aware while in trance. Imagine watching a really good movie and hardly noticing that time has passed. Or driving home from work and realizing you have reached the driveway without noticing the time in-between. In both cases, you remember the details, but somehow you were on cruise control.

For some, they don’t even realize that hypnosis is taking place. You sit back and relax, and your professional hypnotists will reinforce decisions you have already made. According to Margret in a Huffington Post article:

“I was quite unaware that I was being hypnotized. The hypnosis was just deep enough for everything [the hypnotist] said to take root. She told me that I shouldn’t ever touch another cigarette, not to think I can smoke and get away with it and that one cigarette can restart the addiction over again. It was very easy. I was really quite surprised.”

CALL NOW to Schedule your FREE

Stop Smoking Hypnosis Screening: (503) 319-7142



Everything tastes and smells better. It like putting on glasses for the first time, you didn’t know what you were missing until you looked through those new lenses. Things don’t just smell better to you; you actually smell better to them too. Your breath, your hair, and clothes all get an immediate upgrade.  Yes, no matter how much you do to hide your smoke smell, they can smell it on you. Smoking causes your teeth and nails to turn yellow, they return to their normal color. Finally, normal activities don’t shorten your breath.


90% of all lung cancer deaths are related to smoking. If you quit before 40 you have a 90% chance of avoiding cancer, if you quit before 50 you have a 50% chance of avoiding cancer. Cancer is the leading cause of death among smokers. For some, this is not tangible enough to quit smoking. Less dramatically, smoking can damage your skin and even cause infertility.


CALL NOW to Schedule your FREE

Stop Smoking Hypnosis Screening: (503) 319-7142


Can Hypnosis Help You Quit Smoking


It’s never too late to stop smoking. In fact, 20 minutes after you had your last cigarette your body immediately gets healthier. The heart rate drops, your blood pressure drops, and your overall circulation begins to improve. That’s just after the first 20 minutes! After a whole day, you risk of a heart attack begins to decrease. In two days, your ability to smell and taste comes back. After a month your lung function improves and activities that used to make you out of breath become easier to do. After a whole year, your risk for coronary heart disease gets cut in half.


It is so easy you can do it with your eyes closed. If celebrity endorsements carry any weight, then go no further than Matt Damon and Charlize Theron. Both have turned to hypnosis to quit smoking. If you want testimonials from real folks like the rest of us, then at Gresham Hypnosis Center we have a great track record. Most of our clients kick the habit after a single session, although we recommend a follow-up. Watch the testimonial below:


Two things to dispel first; it is not sleeping and it is not mind-control. In fact, you can be fully aware while in trance. Imagine watching a really good movie and hardly noticing that time has passed. Hypnosis reinforces decisions you already want to make. Do you want to quit smoking? Hypnosis can reinforce that decision. Hypnosis can help reinforce that decision enough to overcome the decision to light up again.


For some, they don’t even realize that hypnosis is taking place. You sit back and relax, and your professional hypnotists will reinforce decisions you have already made. According to Margret in a Huffington Post article:

“I was quite unaware that I was being hypnotized. The hypnosis was just deep enough for everything [the hypnotist] said to take root. She told me that I shouldn’t ever touch another cigarette, not to think I can smoke and get away with it, and that one cigarette can restart the addiction over again. It was very easy. I was really quite surprised.”


The biggest reason we hear people want to quit smoking is to stay around for loved ones and grandchildren. Cancer is the leading cause of death among smokers. If you quit before 50 you can extend your life up to 15 more years. Less dramatically smoking can damage your skin and even cause infertility


CALL NOW to Schedule your FREE

Stop Smoking Hypnosis Screening: (503) 319-7142


Oregon Has the Worst Mental Illness Rate in the Country.

“What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candor, and more unashamed conversation.” – Glenn Close

1 in 4 people have some kind of mental illness.  While there are over 200 classified forms of mental illness, the five (5) major categories of mental illness are:

  • Anxiety Disorders.
  • Mood Disorders.
  • Schizophrenia/Psychotic Disorders.
  • Dementias.
  • Eating Disorders.

Of the 51 States and territories in the US, Oregon has a greater prevalence of mental illness than any other state or territory. In fact, national statistics show about 1 in 4 people has a mental health issue. Portland psychiatrist, Dr. Mary Theodore, believes it’s even higher in Oregon, saying 35-40 percent of people will experience some kind of mental illness in their lifetime.

That’s a big problem.  The question is: “What can be done to assist these people?” One answer: Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy

“One study involving 84 people with depression, who were randomly assigned to 16 weeks of treatment with either hypnosis or cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), found that both groups improved with treatment. The hypnosis group made greater improvements than the CBT group when symptoms were rated on the Beck Anxiety Inventory.” Harvard Health

How can hypnosis help with mental illness, you might ask.  Well, Hypnosis allows the subject to experience often quite deep levels of relaxation and so helps to reduce levels of stress and anxiety through suggestion and visualization. Hypnosis can be used to help you gain control over undesired behaviors or to help you cope better with anxiety or pain. It’s important to know that although you’re more open to suggestion during hypnosis, you don’t lose control over your behavior.

Gresham Hypnosis Center has programs to help you find the answers and relief you seek.

“Your illness does not define you. Your strength and courage does.” Unknown

How I Found The Secret To A Stress-less Life!

Have you driven in Portland, Oregon lately? If you have, you know what stress and anxiety is!

Portland, Oregon is ranked the 28th largest city in the United States. Portland’s population grew by 19,300 between 2010 and 2012. That’s a lot of people.  The bigger the city, the more stress the people that live in and near that city experience.

One study found that those living in cities were 21 percent more likely to experience an anxiety disorder, and carried a 39 percent increased risk of mood disorders.

Portland, Oregon is ranked 18th most stressed of the large cities. Stress accounts for 60 to 90 percent of all doctor visits. Stress makes smart people do stupid things. Stress can affect your sleep, you memory and, yep, your sex drive! As if all that isn’t bad enough, look at these statistics…

  • Job stress is the #1 stress in the United States.
  • Stressed workers can cost employers over 40% more than non-stressed employees.
  • That translates to $200-$300 billion a year for U.S. companies.
  • Compared to 20 years ago, the average American works 164 more hours a year.

So, what can you do about all this stress and what it does to you? Hypnosis is a fantastic choice!

“Hypnotherapy can be used to treat anxiety, phobias… It can be used to help improve sleep… pain management… and help resolve medical conditions such as digestive disorders, skin issues, and gastrointestinal side effects of pregnancy and chemotherapy.” Psychology Today

Gresham Hypnosis Center can help you with stress and anxiety, call today!

Get The Gut You Want

Okay, the title may not mean what you think it means.

This is a blog about smoking and the health of your gut or, how smoking messes with your digestion and metabolism and why some people gain weight after stopping the tobacco habit. 

Researchers found that when a person stops smoking, the diversity of bacterial strains in their gut shifts, resembling the gut flora found in obese people.

That post-tobacco weight gain has a lot to do with how smoking impacts your gut health. The wrong internal mix can set the stage for obesity and other health issues later in life.

Scientists have also found that the bacteria in your gut produce neurotransmitters that regulate your mood including serotonin and dopamine. This means taking actions to heal your intestinal flora before you stop smoking will help you avoid weight gain and cravings.

So, how do you do that? Start by making healthy food choices and develop a better relationship with food. And to further assist, here is a great article from Healthline.

The bottom line… the wellness of both your body and your brain depend on your gut health.

“Change so easy, you can do it with your eyes closed!”

Bedroom Talk

Do you want healthy, beautiful skin? Better, more satisfying sex?

If you smoke, stop and it will make a difference in your health and your sex life.

Did you know tobacco smoke contains over 4,000 really toxic chemicals, most known to cause cancer? Other chemicals, but no less toxic, in tobacco smoke are known to damage collagen and elastin, two components which help your skin look firm and smooth.

Even exposure to secondhand smoke can result in skin damage.

Damage to elastin fibers can cause sagging and drooping. Vulnerable areas include the breasts and upper arms, but wait, that’s not all! The damage to elastin in the skin is just one way that cigarette smoke affects the skin around the mouth. Another way is the development of wrinkles (those vertical lines on your upper lip) around the mouth from the act of smoking. Sagging and wrinkling skin can lead to pre-mature aging.

Family, friends and yes, lovers will most likely  comment on the healthy glow you seem to have taken on since stopping tobacco because it is often that noticeable. It may take some time, but the results, and the compliments, are worth it.

Smoking is equal opportunity, it just effects men in different ways…

Guy’s, forget that “Little Blue Pill” (Viagra). If you want to have a satisfying sex life, research suggests that for firmer, faster erections, men should quit smoking.

Scientists have found that men who successfully kick cigarettes can have “thicker, more rigid erections and reached maximal arousal five times faster than smokers who relapse”.

The new study, published in the British Journal of Urology International, suggest it’s not just smoking, but nicotine itself that causes erectile problems.

Gresham Hypnosis Center has a very effective stop smoking program. Check us out and when you’ve reached that point where instead of trying to quit smoking, you’ve decided to stop, call us. 

“Change so easy, you can do it with your eyes closed.”