Easy way to deal with stress.


Hey, listen up! 

It’s time to relax, chill out, and release those pent-up physical, mental and emotional tensions. 

When dealing with everyday stress and the probability of stress build-up, NOW is always the right time to be proactive; to beat stress before it beats you. 

Think of stress as a silent enemy. It can sneak up on you at any time and get you down before you even realize what’s happening. More often than not stress is accompanied by it’s close companion: higher levels of anxiety.

So, what do you do?

You take action, that’s what. Your very first line of defense is to establish a habit of performing a regular relaxation routine. Getting into a deep state of relaxation induces calmness to soothe your body, your mind and your emotions.

And what is a state of calmness?

It’s the exact opposite of stress and anxiety. As a matter of fact, you could call it the antidote to stress and anxiety.

Start using this antidote. Take time out at least twice every day to do the relaxation routine outlined below. Regard this as your quality time; a time for you and you alone. Start thinking calm, feeling calm, and being calm.

Relaxation Routine

1. Lie down, or sit in a comfortable armchair or recliner.

2. Take a deep breath and hold it for about five seconds. Release that breath slowly, and imagine all feelings of stress and tension leaving your body as you release the air. When the air has left your lungs, hold your breath once again for about five seconds before breathing in. As you breathe in imagine your body and mind filling with calmness.

3. Repeat this cycle of breathing a number of times until your breathing falls in a nice long, slow gentle rhythm. Allow a comfortable pause at the end of each inhalation and exhalation.

4. As you maintain the relaxing rhythm of your breathing, bring your attention to the top of your head. Imagine that all the tiny muscles in your scalp are being soothed and massaged by warm invisible hands.

5. Feel the warm hands massaging around your ears and down along the back of your neck to the tops of your shoulders.

6. Now bring your attention to your forehead. Feel those invisible fingers smoothing away any wrinkles that may be in your forehead.

7. Next, focus on your eyes. Imagine the warm fingers gentle massaging all around your eyes. Feel the relaxing warmth from the fingers spreading throughout your eyes; feel your eyes relaxing and letting go of all tensions.

8. Think of the soothing hands massaging the rest of your face. Notice how your lower jaw relaxes and notice how this comfy, warm feeling of relaxation spreads into your tongue.

9. Check your breathing once again to make sure it’s rhythm is long and slow.

10. Now bring your attention to the invisible hands and imagine them massaging and loosening your shoulders and shoulder blades. Imagine what it would be like if waves of relaxation were flowing down along your arms and into your fingertips.

11. Those massaging hands now work on your back. They soothe and loosen the muscles on either side of your spine, and then stroke smoothly down along the vertebrae.

12. Imagine what it would be like to feel a state of deep relaxation seeping downwards into your legs and feet. Imagine how all the muscles in your legs and feet would go loose and limp.

13. Allow feelings of deep relaxation and calmness to immerse your body and your mind.

14. Feel yourself drifting deeper and deeper into pleasurable feelings of calmness and tranquility.

Gresham Hypnosis Center has a proven record for helping people reduce their stress. Find out how we can help you reduce your stress, call today!

7 Practical Methods To Combat Stress


A stress- free lifestyle could very well do wonders in eliminating depression.

Here are some practical methods, along with hypnosis, you can give your clients to combat stress:

1. Express Amusement And Be Happy.  

Laugh hard and loud. If you don’t have a sense of humor, find someone else who has. Laughter releases endorphins (happy chemicals) from the body, and it helps boost your immune system.

2. Take Control Over Your Time and Schedule.  

You’ll be much more able to deal with stress if you have a good handle on your job, relationships, and other activities. When you are in control, you are more inclined to stay focused and calm. Plan your time wisely.

Remember to leave room for unexpected events – both negative and positive. Be adaptable in rearranging your agenda. Get up 15 minutes early in the morning. Allow an extra 15 minutes to get to all appointments.

Avoid procrastinating on important or urgent tasks. Whatever needs doing, do it immediately. Do the unpleasant tasks early, so that you won’t have to worry about them for the rest of the day. Keep an appointment or record book. Don’t just rely on your memory.

Do your tasks one thing at a time at a time. Focus your attention on the present moment, whether it’s the person talking to you or the job at hand. This helps you to avoid making errors – which lead to more tension and anxiety. Be patient in waiting. Anxiety caused by impatience can rise up your blood pressure.  Say “no” to requests that you cannot accomplish. Delegate trivial tasks. You must remember that you don’t have to do it all yourself. Crack a job into separate tasks and assign them to people with the suitable skills.

3. Work Out Strive and get some habitual exercise such as brisk walking, swimming or whatever appeals to you. 

Play a sport you’re interested in. Aerobic exercises can considerably reduce the stress factor. Work out also improves sleep and gives you time to think and focus on other things. It also promotes the release of natural soothing chemicals in your body. Do not result to excessive exercise, however, as this may have an adverse effect and might cause more depression.

4. Search Out For A Support Group.  You’ll be able to manage stress much better if you have other people helping and supporting you. Did you know that married people and people who are outgoing (always meeting with friends), have considerably low levels of stress in their lives?

Choose positive friends who are not worriers. Friends who continually put you down or talk gloomily about life will increase your anxiety. Invite a good friend to help you talk out a problem and get it off your chest. A long-distance call to an old pal can be great therapy.

Pardon others instead of holding grudges. Slow down your standards – for yourself and others. Don’t expect too much. Perfectionism is not the means to happiness. Become more flexible and adaptable to your environment.

Communicate clearly with your co-workers and boss. Ask questions. Repeat instructions that you are given. Clarifying directions at the start of a project can save lots of time later rectifying out misunderstandings. Be honest in your dealings with others. Lying and cheating leads to stress.

5. Take Breaths Deeply and Slowly.  Calm down your muscles, escalating your stomach and chest. Exhale slowly. Do it again several times. Follow your breath as it flows in and out. Do not try to have power over it. This is a good way to relax in the midst of any activity. This practice allows you to find a breathing pattern that is natural and relaxing to you. Make use of this yoga technique: Inhale slowly, counting to eight. Exhale through your mouth, even more slowly, counting to sixteen. Make a sighing sound as you exhale, and feel tension dissolve. Do it again 10 times.

6. Consume Healthy Foods at the Appropriate Time.

Never skip meals, especially breakfast. Get time out to eat heartily no matter how busy you are. Take nutritious snacks to the office, or even the shopping mall. A nutritionally balanced diet is essential to your health and lifestyle. For example, researchers have found that even small deficiencies of thiamin, a B-complex vitamin, can cause anxiety symptoms. Pantothenic acid, another B-complex vitamin, is critical during times of stress. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and large amounts of sweets, which can worsen symptoms of stress.

7. Live Optimistically.  Count your blessings, particularly when everything seems to go wrong. Believe that many other people are living in worse conditions than you are. Don’t exaggerate the complexity of your problems. Every problem has a solution. All you need to do is find that solution. Learn to be happy and to enjoy life’s blessings. Live one day at a time.

Gresham Hypnosis Center has the stress reduction program for you.                            Call today,  503-319-7142 to schedule your free consultation.

Anxiety And Stress – Use NLP And Overcome Them And Relax

Stress Brain


More than ever, scientific surveys are proving the primary role played by stress in causing and aggravating various physical and emotional disorders.

In the June 6, 1983, issue of Time Magazine, the cover story labeled stress “The Epidemic of the Eighties.” The article also mentioned that stress is our prominent health issue. Indeed it is unquestionable that the world has become more and more complicated and stressful in the past 25 years since that article was written.

Many surveys indicate that almost everybody perceives themselves as being under a lot of stress. Authorities in the field estimate that around 75 to 90 percent of all visits to primary care physicians are related to stress.

Most people say that their job is the major reason for their stress. And stress levels have also increased in children as well as the elderly population because of several reasons including: Peer pressures that often lead to everything from smoking to drug and alcohol abuse; the dissolution of family and religious values and ties; growing crime rates; threats to personal safety; as well as social isolation and loneliness.

Stress can cause and aggravate problems such as diabetes, ulcers, low back and neck pain, hypertension, strokes and heart attacks. This is due to the ever-growing sympathetic nervous system activity as well as a flood of cortisol, adrenaline, and other hormones. Chronic stress is a corollary of weakened immune system resistance. Stress can contribute to anxiety, depression, and its various effects on the body’s organs.
“Stress” is defined as follows by the American Heritage Dictionary:
“To subject to physical or mental pressure, tension, or strain”

The following is the definition of “tension” from the same dictionary:
“Mental, emotional, or nervous strain”

The following is the definition of “anxiety”:
“A state of uneasiness and apprehension, as about future uncertainties”

And it defines “depression” as follows:
“The condition of feeling sad or despondent”

The following is the definition of “clinical depression”:
“A psychiatric disorder characterized by an inability to concentrate, insomnia, loss of appetite, anhedonia, feelings of extreme sadness, guilt, helplessness and hopelessness, and thoughts of death.”

We can nonetheless be sure that our mind is the primary cause of our feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression. We could also say that, what we think about, and our attitudes and the way we view our experiences dictate what we feel. So if we can manage to modify our thoughts, attitudes, and points of view, then we can be relieved of our stress, anxiety, and depression and replace them with a better state of being.

Since the beginning of time, people have tried methods for getting rid of stress. The pharmaceutical industry seems to have a drug for everything. For that, the industry has produced a large line of sedatives from Valium to Xanax. If you choose to use drugs for relief, please make sure that you read the fine print and learn about the side effects, which usually are, among others, addiction and dependency. Indeed these kinds of drugs try to treat the symptoms, but not the cause. So when one stops ingesting them, the symptoms can come back.

A more intelligent method to eliminate tension, stress, anxiety and depression is to treat its actual cause, which as I said above, is generally our thought processes. There is some good news.  The basis of hypnosis is relaxing.  The AMA accepted hypnosis in 1958 as an effective method of treating stress or stress-related symptoms.  However, unlike anxiolytics, there are categorically no bad side effects.

Hypnosis is the Alpha level of consciousness. It is the daydream-like temporary psychological state which we feel as we are about to fall asleep at night. And we feel it once more when we awaken again. There are several different ways we can guide ourselves into this relaxed mood, from step-by-step relaxation to visual imagery to listening to hypnosis CDs.

When we enter the hypnotic state, we can communicate with our unconscious mind, which is the seat of our emotions. And one can more easily accept new points of view and ideas which will help us to dissipate anxiety, or even prevent it from occurring in the first place.

NLP, which is a modern kind of hypnosis, offers various really good techniques for releasing stress. Maybe the technique that works best is called the “swish” pattern – or the “flash” pattern. After using the “flash” pattern, your unconscious will automatically use negative, stress triggering mental images, as triggers for tranquilizing mental images. Otherwise stated, what commonly makes you feel stress will now trigger relaxation!

Tension, stress, anxiety, and depression can be prompted by our thoughts. So by changing our attitude and point of view towards our situation and our experiences, we can dissipate these feelings at the source. Hypnosis and NLP are natural tools that make it possible to change our attitude and point of view to easily dissipate the source of our negative feelings.

Gresham Hypnosis Center uses several methods, including NLP, to help you reduce your stress levels and stay calm. To learn how we can help you with your stress, call today!

Three Things Smokers Need To Do Before They Stop Smoking

stop smoking

Everyday, though out the world, people stop smoking using hypnosis. 

By the way, there is a huge difference between quitting and stopping the nicotine habit.

To quote Samuel Clemens;

“Giving up smoking is easy…I’ve done it hundreds of times.

How many times have you heard this: “I’ve tried to quit a dozen times.” To quit is not final and trying implies imminent failure. The moment you decide to stop…you stop.

I make certain all my clients have decided to stop. Period.

The American Heart Association estimates that in the United States, 25 million men (23 percent) and 21 million women (18 percent) are smokers.

The first use of hypnosis to quit smoking was described by Dr. Herbert Spiegel in a 1970 journal article. His hypnotic strategy has become known as the “Spiegel technique” and involves concentration on three main ideas:

  • Smoking is poisonous to your body
  • You need your body if you want to live
  • If you want to live, you need to respect and protect your body.

Dr Spiegel worked with a lot of celebrities for smoking cessation.

Over the years the list has grown.

Matt Damon smoked for 16 years and used hypnosis to rid himself of the habitBen Affleck has used hypnosis to stop a 20 year smoking addiction

Other celebrities who have uses hypnosis to kick the nicotine habit.

Drew Barrymore, Charlize Theron, Samuel L. Jackson, Ashton Kutcher. Anthony Hopkins

Winona Ryder, Ewan McGregor, Billy Joel, Mark Knopfler, Aaron Eckhart, Dorothy Hamill and Ellen Degeneres

While you may or may not be a celebrity, we can help you  to stop smoking.

Are Habits Easy To Change?

Same way

Does it take more than 21 days to create new habits?

In a word?      Yes.

In 2012, Phillippa Lally, health psychology researcher at University College London ran a study and the results were very telling.
On average, it takes more than 2 months before a new behavior becomes automatic — 66 days to be exact.
And how long it takes a new habit to form can vary widely depending on the behavior, the person, and the circumstances. In Lally’s study, it took anywhere from 18 days to 254 days for people to form a new habit.

In other words, if you want to set your expectations appropriately, the truth is that it will probably take you anywhere from two months to eight months to build a new behavior into your life — not 21 days.

Does that mean we should give up?  NO!
While it might take longer than 21 days, Brian Tracy’s habit plan is still a useful tool for resourceful change.
Below are Tracy’s steps:
Seven Steps to Developing a New Habit

First, make a decision Decide clearly that you are going to begin acting in a specific way 100% of the time, whenever that that behavior is required. For example, if you decide to arise early and exercise each morning, set your clock for a specific time, and when the alarm goes off, immediately get up, put on your exercise clothes and begin your exercise session.

Second, never allow an exception to your new habit pattern during the formative stages. Don’t make excuses or rationalizations. Don’t let yourself off the hook. If you resolve to get up at 6:00 AM each morning, discipline yourself to get up at 6:00 AM, every single morning until this becomes automatic.

Third, tell others that you are going to begin practicing a particular behavior. It is amazing how much more disciplined and determined you will become when you know that others are watching you to see if you have the willpower to follow through on your resolution.

Fourth, visualize yourself performing or behaving in a particular way in a particular situation. The more often you visualize and imagine yourself acting as if you already had the new habit, the more rapidly this new behavior will be accepted by your subconscious mind and become automatic.

Fifth, create an affirmation that you repeat over and over to yourself. This repetition dramatically increases the speed at which you develop the new habit. For example, you can say something like; “I get up and get going immediately at 6:00 AM each morning!” Repeat these words the last thing before you fall asleep. In most cases, you will automatically wake up minutes before the alarm clock goes off, and soon you will need no alarm clock at all.

Sixth, resolve to persist in the new behavior until it is so automatic and easy that you actually feel uncomfortable when you do not do what you have decided to do.

Seventh, and most important, give yourself a reward of some kind for practicing in the new behavior. Each time you reward yourself, you reaffirm and reinforce the behavior. Soon you begin to associate, at an unconscious level, the pleasure of the reward with the behavior. You set up your own force field of positive consequences that you unconsciously look forward to as the result of engaging in the behavior or habit that you have decided upon.

If you have some habits you’re wanting to change, Gresham Hypnosis Center can help.  Call today for a free Hypnosis screening and consultation!

A Cure For Holiday Depression

Depression Holiday

Bet you were hoping that I was going to offer some magic pill that you could take to make it all better, well sorry, it doesn’t work like that. 

The thing is, there is nothing that can stop you from suffering from depression, except you. You might not like this much, but it’s the truth, and that’s why I’m going to tell it to you anyway.

Your depression isn’t caused by the partner you have or the one you don’t have or the one that left you. It isn’t your job or your kids or the way you were bought up. It isn’t caused by your abuse or your dysfunctional family or your weight. None of these are the cause of your depression. You are. Think about it, throughout your depression, what has been the one constant, remaining factor? You.

Have you ever caught a cold? I’m sure you have. Colds are picked up from outside of us, we inhale them, ingest them, then they grow and make us feel like crap. But you don’t get depression in this way. Depression isn’t something you get, it’s something you do, it’s a process. That tells you can, if you know how to, choose not to do it. Yes it’s a choice. Sorry to all of you who were hoping that the answer would come from somewhere, a packet of pills or a doctor or a counsellor, it won’t. It won’t because you already have it, you already the expertise to cure yourself. You just have to know how to use it. And no amount of drugs, or talking about your “problems” are going to help you find it. You need re educating, you need to learn another way.

Yes it’s a choice, I know you’re questioning that part, thinking “well I obviously wouldn’t choose to feel like this.” Here’s the thing, you’ve done it so much, you’ve got good at it. Congratulations, you’ve become a master at depressing yourself. You’re hard wired to go there now, it’s automatic, like a habit, it’s almost as if you have no control over it at all. But you can and you will.

I know you’ve tried to change, you tried to fight it, using all of your will power. But making changes to the unconscious using will power is not at all easy, it’s a battle. However, making changes to the unconscious is in fact easy, when you know how to do it, or when you meet someone who’s good
enough to do it for you.

If you are absolutely committed to changing, I mean totally committed, you can change so quickly. You can change in a day. I promise you, it’s true, I’ve seen it happen, I’ve experienced it myself. It wasn’t cheap and it wasn’t all that easy, but if you pay cheap you pay twice, if it’s as easy to do, it’s easy to forget. If you want to change and you are absolutely committed to doing it, you can do it, you can change in a day.

I don’t know what you want from life, I don’t know how your life will be different when you’ve stopped depressing yourself, but I can tell you that it will be completely worth the investment. How much money do you waste each year on warranties, that cost as much as the product you’ve bought, or paying fees that could have been avoided, or putting your money in the wrong savings account, or taking a holiday that you didn’t enjoy? When would now be a good time to invest in yourself? Invest into who you are as a person so that you can grow and feel good about being the worthwhile person that you truly are?

Everybody has experienced the loss of someone or something that they care for, and for me, this highlights the necessity for us to live our lives to the full, to live happy and free. For every person that ever told you that you’re not worth it, I’m here to tell you now that you are, to tell you that you can be and will be wonderfully happy and free, so what’s the one thing you need to commit to doing for yourself to let yourself know you are worth it, you are worth ever penny of that change.

Someone once told me that success is the greatest form of revenge. Now I’m not saying that you have anything to prove to anyone, but when you change, when you do it for yourself in this way, you will surprise a lot of people who expected little else from you, and that’s a really great feeling.

You can change in a day, make a turning point.

Would You Like To Know What Causes Holiday Stress?


The holidays are supposed to be a time of celebration when friends and families get together to share food, fun, gifts, and love. 

They are supposed to be a time of giving, caring and connection when we celebrate important and meaningful events.

Why, then, are they often so stressful and what can we do to make them more fun and peaceful?

Changing the holiday season from stressful to peaceful depends upon one thing: INTENT. Your intent is whatever is most important to you in any particular moment or situation.

At any given moment, we are always in one of two intents. Put in simple terms, it is either more important to you in any given moment to:

1) Be loving to yourself and others, or

2) Get love and approval
Your intent determines your behavior and your feelings.

We all have a choice each moment to decide who we want to be – a person who is trying to have control over getting love and approval, or a person who is giving love to ourselves and others. Who we decide to be determines how we feel. If our intent is to get love and approval, then we may think that others determine our feelings, but it is really our own intent that is responsible for how we end up feeling.

Why not start now, before the holidays, noticing your intent? Why not open now to giving yourself – the child within you – the approval he or she needs to feel worthy? If you start to practice today being in the intent to love yourself and others, perhaps by the time the holidays come around you can really have a good time!

Are You Allowing Depression To Take Control Of You?


Feeling sad is very normal for human beings.

You feel it when you break-up, lost a job or someone dies. After feeling down, you should soon recover from the sadness and move on with your life. Unfortunately not everyone can do this. Sometimes, for no apparent reason, people get sad for long periods of time. This is considered to be depression.

Depression is considered to be a psychological disorder that can be very harmful. Mild cases of depression would make a person cry for no reason and feel inconsolably sad. People, who have extreme depression, find themselves unable to function normally. They stay at home, do not sleep and even refuse to sleep. The worst depression is when you begin contemplating ending your life because you find no reason to be alive.

Some women, after giving birth, feel depressed because of the enormity of their new responsibility and the sudden changes in their lives. In this case, the condition is referred to as post-partum depression. Other people prone to depression are those who have lost someone suddenly, those who have very poor coping mechanism and those who actually find pleasure in feeling depressed.

If you have been feeling sad for no reasons at all, you should speak with a professional to determine whether or not you have an obsessive compulsive disorder. A psychiatrist would be qualified to diagnose you and even prescribe ant-depressant if you require one. Many depressed patients, unfortunately, become addicted to the medication and find it difficult to feel better without the prescription drug. Basically this can increase your risks of being drug-dependent.

Other very safe treatment involves hypnosis.  The hypnotherapy works by targeting your subconscious and embedding anti-depression ideas. Since the subconscious actually dictates about 90 percent of the brain’s activity, it is not surprising that hypnotherapy has become effective in treating psychoses like phobias and addiction. Depending on the level of depression, a person can feel its effects after one to five sessions. The treatment is safer, less expensive and less probing.

Life is too short and too beautiful to be sad all the time. By getting help, you are giving yourself a new lease in life. It will also free you permanently from depression’s bad effects.

9 Secrets For Stress-Free Living

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In this blog you’ll learn how to emotionally de-clutter your life and magnetically pull the things you want closer to you.

1) Accept the problem

You have to be at peace with a problem, WHILE it is in existence, for the solution to come to you. i.e. you have to accept yourself where you are, no matter what – you cannot solve any problem without first accepting it, and yourself. We spend so much of our time trying to deny what has happened or deny a part of ourselves, pushing it away, which only leads to more of the problem appearing in your life. Very often simply fully accepting the part of you that is creating the problem will be enough to have it disappear, as it is so used to being pushed away/rejected. Part of you is trying to send you a message; maybe it’s time you listened.

2) You cannot attract to you, that to which you are not already connected

So be an appreciator. One of the fastest ways to attract what you want towards you is learning to appreciate the good in whatever situation it is life is presenting you with. Being an appreciator is so important because it is the closest energetic vibrational match to source and therefore the creation of what it is that you want. Therefore the more you operate at that frequency, the closer to source you are, and the faster things will manifest for you in the physical world. It is not important to verbalize your appreciation but simply to offer it. Appreciation is the antidote to some of the lowest forms of energy and emotions we are capable of e.g. shame, resentment, etc. By offering thanks and assuming that you already have what you seek, you immediately begin to attract more of it towards you, whether you have any of it or not.

3) Happiness is not pleasure

The experience of pleasure is a right now, in-the-moment, sensory-rich, and sights, sounds, and feelings experience in your person. Happiness is your meta-experience when thinking about something that brings you such pleasure. Happiness cannot be experienced by the senses directly, only pleasure can. Focus your life on having more now-moment pleasure experiences, rather than accumulating reasons or things to be happy about.

4) Stay connected to source

Find your own personal way to stay connected to your higher consciousness (the feeling you). For many this is meditation, music, song, etc. Why are we so attracted to parks? water? nature? wildlife and animals? We have awareness on some level that we are part of a much greater collected consciousness, something else, something higher than us. Some people may be partially disconnected from it, but you can never fully disconnect from it. Notice that the word emotion is e + motion. Notice that the concepts are so connected even on a linguistic level. Did you know that elephants are one of the very few creatures other than humans who cry tears of emotion? And when was the last time you saw an elephant running? They have adapted or have been given an ability to release emotions from tears in the same way humans do. People are attracted to source because we recognize that’s where we want to be, we want to have those feelings, we want to experience that energy, because the energy, just by being in its presence, makes us feel better about ourselves.

5) Live in the moment

We only have access to our full personal power in the present moment. This is practicing the art; it’s a habit to be developed, a life-skill. The extent, to which you are connecting, on some unconscious level, either into the past or into the future, is the extent to which you rob yourself of your present power. You are not going to be experiencing what it is that you want; therefore you are moving your emotional point of attraction, into negative territory. Being in the present moment is the only way you can make an emotional connection to what it is that you want, and therefore begin the process of it becoming attracted to you in future present moments. This type of emotional alignment cannot be achieved when your thoughts are in the future or past. “But how much do I need to be in the present moment? I have all this stuff to do…..” You must be in the present moment enough to have enough fully-loaded, pleasurable, positive full body feelings, about what you want to attract in your life, in order to begin the process of its automatic attraction to you. Living with your thoughts at a future or past moment in time, is entirely redundant in the process of being free of stress, and attracting what you want into your life.

6) You can never be sorry enough 

You can never be sorry enough to change this problem situation. It is only when you love yourself that you have that love to radiate to others. It is only when you are allowing the abundance to flow to you, that you then have the ability to gift it to others. Giving your energy – in any form – to others, whether it is love, forgiveness, agreement, or any energy, when your cup is not already brimming over, is the fastest route to the emotional poorhouse. If you want to help others, you must first help yourself. Others easily see through empty gestures, compliments, or favors; and, such gestures only hide you from your own emotional impoverishment/malnutrition. They are not useful, and serve no purpose in enhancing your life or others’.

7) Be selfish enough to line up with your intentions

This is important because it is only in your thriving that you have anything to offer others. If your own energy tank is not full, you have no business looking after the tanks of others. It is important to limit your own responsibilities to prevent emotions like lack of self-worth etc. Remain present and in attendance to your own needs first and you will always give others your best, automatically.

8) You are not your accomplishments

Understand that you are not your accomplishments, what you do, what you don’t do, your beliefs, your ideas, your stuff or possessions, those are nothing to do with who you really are, they are the baggage you have picked up along the way, they are nothing to do with the spiritual you who wants to feel good; and stay connected to Peace. Lose your ego, and take this attitude of freedom with you in your everyday life.

9) The journey is the destination

Many times our internal dialogue says “If only I had x, then I would be happy, or, “I’ll be happy when I’ve got…” As you go into the world and experience the contrast of your likes .vs. your dislikes, through your everyday experiences, so a new want is born. Then comes the striving (and usually struggle) in the journey towards its manifestation, which contains all the stresses and strains you wish to rid yourself of. Understand this: you’ll never get it done. Because the journey itself towards your wants shows you new elements of contrast, new possibilities, new likes and dislikes, etc that change and alter your path. Thus your job here is not to get caught up in the end result but to ensure you enjoy the journey along the way, regardless of your goal, and ensure that your everyday journey contains all the same underlying experiences, emotions, and full-body feelings that you seek from your end goal, anyway. The journey is the destination. So enjoy it.

Bringing it all together

So how do we overcome the various stress blocks to pull greater peace and abundance towards us? Facilitated hypnosis and Self-Hypnosis are ways

to release the emotional blocks of shoulds, musts, ought-tos, anger, fear, resentment, and so on. Once the biggest unconscious blocks have been resolved, your intentions, ambitions, passion will feel that much free-er to move towards you, automatically and effortlessly. Circumstances and people appear in your life from nowhere and events begin aligning themselves, as the universe conspires with you, to realize your passion.

3 Powerful Tips To Help Manage Everyday Stress

stress_ballOften times stress will manifest when we carry over yesterday’s concerns into our present day concerns.

An accumulation will almost always end up in a high stress level. Therefore, we must be able to “dump” all of our concerns from the previous day or days and concentrate wholly on our today.

So here are 3 stress busting tips 

Stress Busting Tip #1 

Resolve right now to release every thought from yesterday and be only mindful of the now…. this thought only…this breath…this moment. Take in three very deep breaths and slowly release each one.

At the same time feel each and every concern, each and every problem, and each and every unresolved moment, begin to dissolve. You can deal with them at a later time. For now, you are only to be in this very moment.

Now go to your inner quiet place. Go deep inside to a place where you feel that you are at peace and then just relax and breathe in deeply and enjoy the feeling of being at one and at peace within yourself.

Use this special time and place to be calm. Free your mind and body of all worry, all regret, all disappointment, all anger and grief.

Stress Busting Tip #2 

Next, think of one particular act, such as rocking your baby, taking a quick stroll, raking the leaves, and do that one simple thing. All the while, your mind is quiet and calm and you are in your own special place within.

Practice this act of quiet and calm each day and you will see that you will accomplish so much more. At the first sign of being stressed, go back to this mindful, quiet place and start all over again until you have reached your inner place of calm.

Stress Busting Tip #3 

The very best thing that you can do for yourself is to eat, drink and rest – to your health!

Stress is easily brought on by not eating and drinking properly. When you don’t get the number of hours of sleep that you need each night, you are only setting yourself up for additional stress.

Limit the amount of salt, sugar, caffeine and alcohol in your diet. Drink plenty of clean, pure water each day and do at least moderate exercise each day. This will breathe new life into your skin, hair and will nourish all of your vital organs.

Take time to breathe properly! Take deep belly breathes to send pure oxygen to all of your body. Laugh and then laugh some more. It is food for the soul! Spend time doing the things that please you most. Engage in healthy and fulfilling relationships and work on problems that would erode the closeness that you have with someone special.

When we are content and living a balanced life everyday stresses seem to pale in comparison. We are better equipped to deal with the unexpected.

You can take control today! Isolate only one particular stressor in your life and then work on it until you regain control. At the very least, have some new hope!