Author: brainjmedia03

Want to Reduce Weight? Don’t Eat This…Artificially Sweetened Drinks

Diet drinks just aren’t good for you…period.  Research has found that there are some people whose brains are wired in a way that artificial sweeteners induce or enhance cravings. This new study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society found that people who drank diet soda gained almost triple the abdominal fat over nine years as those who didn’t […]

Want to Reduce Weight? Don’t Eat This…Frozen Prepared Meals

Sure, frozen meals are convenient, but are they really that good for you? To make fresh ingredients last extra-long in your freezer, food manufacturers often load frozen meals with sodium, a natural preservative, Frozen meals that aren’t identified as reduced-sodium or heart-healthy often contain from 700 to 1,800 milligrams (mg) of sodium. That makes it […]

Want to Reduce Your Weight, Don’t Eat This! The First in a Series….

Don’t drink this… An 8-ounce serving of orange juice contains 110 calories, of which 96 come from sugar. Ounce for ounce, this is only slightly less than chocolate milk, lemonade, cola and sugary energy drinks. From “The U.S. Department of Agriculture guidelines state that adult men need between 2,000 and 3,000 calories per day […]

Smoking results in more premature skin damage than sun exposure.

At Gresham Hypnosis Center we offer a fully guaranteed Hypnosis Stop Smoking Program.  All my clients can tell you; anyone who smokes knows there are so many well documented reasons to stop smoking, right?  Well there are some less publicized reasons and over the next couple of weeks I’ll be letting the cat outta the […]