Want to Reduce Weight? Don’t Eat This…Any Snack That is Just Carbs


When you eat crackers, dry cereal, bread, or rice cakes alone, your body converts the carbs to simple sugars, and sends it directly into your blood stream.

In response to the sugar rush, your body produces extra insulin, which helps your body absorb the sugar more quickly. The problem: You end up with low blood sugar and the same hunger pangs that led you to carb it up in the first place. When this happens you may just reach for sugary foods with no nutritional value to satisfy your need for instant energy, says Dr. Charlie Seltzer, M.D., a weight-loss specialist based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Snacks that contain a combination of carbs, healthy fats, and protein take longer to digest, and will, therefore, tide you over for longer. Another thing: When you treat snacks as balanced mini meals, they contribute to a balanced diet (instead of just holding you over between full balanced meals).

Rachel Harvest, a registered dietitian affiliated with Tournesol Wellness in New York suggests to try a slice of bread with nut butter, or whole grain crackers with low-fat cheese as opposed to a carb only snack.

A diet high in simple carbs like pasta, breads and pastries has been linked to obesity, diabetes and Alzheimer’s. Minimizing, or eliminating your simple carb intake can make a huge difference in your heath and the quality of your life.

Choose complex carbohydrates with lots of fiber for your health, both physically and mentally.

Gresham Hypnosis Center offers a Guaranteed Hypnosis Weight Loss Program.  Call today to schedule your free consultation 503.319.7142

Want to Reduce Weight? Don’t Eat This…Alcoholic Beverages

various type of alcoholic drinks isolated on white

A lot of us drink socially, but if you’re looking to reduce those pounds that glass of wine isn’t helping!

From Livestrong.com

“Alcohol itself contains 7 calories per gram — almost double the 4 calories per gram from protein and carbohydrates and just 2 calories short of the 9 from fat. Unlike carbohydrates, protein and fat from whole foods, however, alcohol doesn’t provide any feelings of satiety, so you’re likely to drink these calories in addition to the calories you’re eating.

It’s not just the calories in alcohol itself that cause disruptions in weight loss, but also the calories that come from mixers like soda and sugary syrups. While a 4-ounce glass of red wine contains 95 calories, a margarita packs a whopping 550 calories. That’s almost half of your entire calorie count for the day if you’re on a 1,200-calorie weight-loss diet.

It gets worse: “When alcohol is present in your body, it’s considered a toxin that your body wants to get rid of, and becomes you liver’s top priority,” says Dr. Caroline Cederquist, MD, creator of bistroMD. When your liver is in hardcore detox mode, it can’t burn fat as efficiently.”

Gresham Hypnosis Center offers a Guaranteed Hypnosis Weight Loss Program.  Call today to schedule your free consultation 503.319.7142

Want to Reduce Weight? Don’t Eat This…Artificially Sweetened Drinks


Diet drinks just aren’t good for you…period. 

Research has found that there are some people whose brains are wired in a way that artificial sweeteners induce or enhance cravings. This new study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society found that people who drank diet soda gained almost triple the abdominal fat over nine years as those who didn’t drink diet soda. The study analyzed data from 749 people ages 65 and older who were asked, every couple of years, how many cans of soda they drank a day, and how many of those sodas were diet or regular.

“Those answers ended up being extremely predictive of abdominal-fat gain, even after the researchers adjusted for factors like diabetes, smoking and levels of physical activity. People who didn’t drink diet soda gained about 0.8 in. around their waists over the study period, but people who drank diet soda daily gained 3.2 in. Those who fell in the middle — occasional drinkers of diet soda — gained about 1.8 in.”

That change in waist circumference is especially concerning because it highlights an unfortunate truth about weight distribution: the belly is a bad place for extra pounds. The kind that pads the abs from the inside, called visceral fat, is associated with increased cardiovascular disease, inflammation and Type 2 diabetes.”

Diet sodas and artificially sweetened drinks could be sabotaging your weight loss plans.  There are alternatives.  Take care of yourself and make the change.

Gresham Hypnosis Center offers a Guaranteed Hypnosis Weight Loss Program.  Call today to schedule your free consultation 503.319.7142

Want to Reduce Weight? Don’t Eat This…”Low Fat” Foods

Low fat

Research suggests that people tend to eat upwards of 30 percent more when they know they’re eating a food that’s low fat. The problem is that when food makers remove fat from food, they inevitably remove some of the flavor. To compensate, they often add sugar, which makes the product even worse for you.

The World Health Organization (WHO) said that the daily allowance for a person’s intake of added sugar should be no more than six teaspoons to help avoid mounting health problems including obesity and tooth decay.

From New Health Guide:

“Dietitians and nutritionists have established that 4 grams of white sugar (granulated) is equal to 1 teaspoon of sugar. This can explain simple sugar composition of most beverages and foods; for example, one can of coke contains approximately 44 grams of sugar. You can easily get the total number of teaspoons of sugar contained in one can by (44 divided by 4). This measurement is much more realistic and somewhat eye-opening too (did you ever realized that a can of coke gives you 11 teaspoons of sugar with absolutely no nutritional advantage?)”

A study of 100 popular low or non-fat grocery items from major supermarkets found that dozens contained at least two teaspoons of total sugar in a single serving. One in four of the products contained more than three teaspoons of the ingredient.

Aseem Malhotra, a cardiologist and science director of Action on Sugar, a campaign group, said the findings showed some low fat foods were “loaded with sugar” despite purporting to be healthy. He suggested manufacturers added to the risk of chronic diseases by “misleading” shoppers over the ingredients of such products.

“There is mounting evidence of sugar’s detrimental effect on health independent of calories with a recent study revealing excess consumption trebling the risk of heart disease even in the non obese,” he said.

Simply because it’s low in fat does not guarantee it’s healthy.

Gresham Hypnosis Center offers a Guaranteed Hypnosis Weight Loss Program.  Call today to schedule your free consultation 503.319.7142

Want to Reduce Weight? Don’t Eat This…Frozen Prepared Meals


Sure, frozen meals are convenient, but are they really that good for you?

To make fresh ingredients last extra-long in your freezer, food manufacturers often load frozen meals with sodium, a natural preservative,

Frozen meals that aren’t identified as reduced-sodium or heart-healthy often contain from 700 to 1,800 milligrams (mg) of sodium. That makes it challenging for people to stay below the daily maximum of 2,300 mg recommended for the general population.

Such levels make it almost impossible for people who are more “salt sensitive” to stay below their recommended limit of 1,500 mg per day.

Frozen foods low in calories can be a problem as well.  If calorie intake is limited to 1,000 to 1,200 calories, metabolic rate may slow down, making weight control more difficult. Metabolism is the burning of energy (calories) for functions needed to stay alive, such as digestion, growth, blood circulation and healing.

If you’re going to eat frozen prepared meals check for sodium levels, read the label.  Remember, fresh is always best!

Gresham Hypnosis Center offers a Guaranteed Hypnosis Weight Loss Program.  Call today to schedule your free consultation 503.319.7142

Want to Reduce Your Weight, Don’t Eat This! The First in a Series….


Don’t drink this…

An 8-ounce serving of orange juice contains 110 calories, of which 96 come from sugar. Ounce for ounce, this is only slightly less than chocolate milk, lemonade, cola and sugary energy drinks.

From Livestrong.com

“The U.S. Department of Agriculture guidelines state that adult men need between 2,000 and 3,000 calories per day for weight maintenance, while women need 1,600 to 2,400. This means just one glass of orange juice accounts for 3.6 percent to 6.9 percent of your daily recommended intake.”

Another thing: Fructose, the natural fruit sugar that makes fruit and fruit juice taste sweet, tricks your body into gaining weight by dulling your body’s ability to recognize when it’s full, says Melissa Rifkin, a registered dietitian at Montefiore Medical Center in New York and a Rise nutrition coach. This makes you eat more, and increases your risk of developing insulin resistance and diabetes.

If you’re going to drink fresh juices make it veggie or fruit juice with all the pulp.  Fiber is a very important component when it comes to your body processing foods, especially foods high in sugar.


Gresham Hypnosis Center offers a Guaranteed Hypnosis Weight Loss Program.  Call today to schedule your free consultation 503.319.7142

You can loose your teeth!

At Gresham Hypnosis Center we offer a fully guaranteed Hypnosis Stop Smoking Program.  All my clients can tell you; anyone who smokes knows there are so many well documented reasons to stop smoking, right?  Well there are some less publicized reasons and over the next couple of weeks I’ll be letting the cat outta the bag and what you can do to make things right.


Smoking makes you lose your teeth.

Smokers are twice as likely to lose teeth as nonsmokers, the reason?  Gum disease. Heavy smokers, according to one study, are six times as likely to get periodontal disease as nonsmokers. And getting good dental care doesn’t mitigate the damage; one study found that even after five years of periodontal treatment, smokers lost teeth at twice the rate of nonsmokers.

Why does this happen?

Smoking reduces blood flow to the periodontal tissue, which includes both gum and bone. This tissue holds the teeth in place and provides the oxygen and nutrition necessary to sustain the living tooth. By reducing blood flow, smoking starves the periodontal tissue of oxygen and nutrients, causing it to age prematurely. Smoking also inhibits the body’s ability to fight off infection from the bacteria that naturally occur in the mouth, leading to chronic inflammation. Eventually the bone begins to erode and the teeth loosen and fall out.

What happens when you stop smoking?

Experts say that within months of quitting smoking, circulation is restored to normal or near-normal levels. And studies show that within a year, the risk of developing heart disease drops to half that of people who still smoke, suggesting that cardiovascular damage isn’t permanent. Your body will regain its ability to fight off infection, including the gum disease that can cause you to lose your teeth.

CALL NOW to Schedule your FREE Stop Smoking Hypnosis Screening and learn about Our Stop Smoking Hypnosis Package: 503.319.7142

Smoking results in more premature skin damage than sun exposure.

At Gresham Hypnosis Center we offer a fully guaranteed Hypnosis Stop Smoking Program.  All my clients can tell you; anyone who smokes knows there are so many well documented reasons to stop smoking, right?  Well there are some less publicized reasons and over the next couple of weeks I’ll be letting the cat outta the bag and what you can do to make things right.

Smoking doesn’t just make breasts sag; it causes wrinkles and dark circles.

Smoking and your eyes

Smoking damages skin to such an extent that dermatologists recently announced that smoking results in more premature skin damage than sun exposure. Smoking seems to be particularly harmful to the delicate skin under the eyes, leading smokers to develop those betraying puffy pouches and dark circles.

Why does this happen?

The nicotine in cigarettes constricts the blood vessels in the outermost layers of your skin, impairing blood flow. And less blood flow means less oxygen and important nutrients, like vitamin A, reaching your skin and nourishing it to stay healthy and moist. Meanwhile, chemicals in tobacco smoke damage collagen and elastin, the fibers that give skin its underlying structure, strength, and elasticity. As a result, the skin of smokers begins to sag and wrinkle prematurely. The same chemicals damage the blood vessels around the eyes, resulting in dark circles and eye bags. And that’s not all; the muscular action of smoking, such as pursing the lips and sucking in the cheeks, causes wrinkles too, which is why smokers tend to have all those wrinkles in the upper lip and around the mouth. And guess what? If you squint your eyes to keep out the smoke, you’ll get more wrinkles around your eyes as well.

What happens when you stop smoking?

Studies show that within months of quitting smoking, blood flow throughout the body improves, and over time damage to blood vessels and arteries, at least to some extent, can be reversed. That means that while you can’t erase the wrinkles already formed, you can restore the nutrient balance to the skin, so it will start to look younger and healthier fairly quickly. And the sooner you stop smoking, the fewer “smoker’s lines” you’ll develop.

CALL NOW to Schedule your FREE Stop Smoking Hypnosis Screening and learn about Our Stop Smoking Hypnosis Package: 503.319.7142