Lack of sleep may throw the body’s system off balance. It is one of the factors that may contribute to stress and fatigue. In the long run, lack of sleep hampers a person’s emotional well-being, mental abilities, productivity, and performance. Lack of sleep actually increases the production of a hormone called corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH). The […]
Author: brainjmedia03
What is Hypnotension?
What is Hypnotension? The Hypnotension™ program is a one-to-one therapy between you and a specially trained Certified Hypnotension Practitioner at Gresham Hypnosis Center. Together, you will address the emotional and lifestyle factors which contribute to your high blood pressure so that you can take back control and lower high blood pressure naturally. The Hypnotension™ program uses […]
High Blood Pressure, the Silent Killer
New High Blood Pressure guidelines could put you in danger. “The American Heart Association, the American College of Cardiology and nine other groups redefined high blood pressure as a reading of 130 over 80, down from 140 over 90. The change, the first in 14 years, means that 46 percent of U.S. adults, many of […]
4 Aggravators to High Blood Pressure
New High Blood Pressure guidelines say 130/80 is now considered pre-hypertensive. Over 90% of high blood pressure is what doctors call “Primary or Essential Hypertension. That means, quite probably, there is no medical cause for the condition. The remaining 5-10 % describes “Secondary Hypertension“. What can agravate primary hypertension? Many things, including high alcohol consumption, excess […]
3 Ways to Stay Calm for the Holidays
‘Tis the season and stress is everywhere! And, yes, stress can be a huge factor where high blood pressure is concerned. So, how can you lower your blood pressure, naturally? Here are some simple and easily applied options. Exercise First, check with your doctor if you are not already actively exercising. If you have high blood pressure, […]
7 X-Factors for That Contribute to Hypertension
There are two types of hypertension; Primary hypertension and Secondary hypertension. Only 5% of cases of hypertension are a result of a recognized medical cause, such as kidney disease, artery damage, or hormone disorder, this is called secondary hypertension. The remaining 95% of causes of hypertension is called primary hypertension and can be tied to […]
5 Important Tips To Managing Your Stress
At one point or another, we all have to deal with some type of stress. The important thing is to prevent it from taking over our daily life, and this can often be done by observing a few simple ways to keep emotions high and the blues at bay. Pet your pet. For years, experts […]
Weight Loss – 6 Tips For Staying Positive
Staying positive throughout the weight loss process can be difficult. A few setbacks and you may be ready to give up. Staying motivated throughout your weight loss journey requires focus on the goal and positive thinking – but what do you do when you’re feeling less than positive about your efforts? Use these tips to […]
A Simple Tip For When You’re Stressed
This is a fantastic tip from Touch For Health to help you when you’re stressed, angry, anxious or upset. Try holding your frontal eminences. These are bumps on your forehead that many people hold instinctively when they’re upset. For those of you who don’t do this naturally, let me help you locate them. Feel up […]
Diets And Weight Loss – 4 Tips on Losing Weight
If you’re overweight and you are trying to lose weight, you may be thinking that you will be able to lose a lot of weight really fast. The truth of the matter is that it takes time to lose weight and you have to be patient as you’re trying to lose weight. There are no […]